Zesta Planning Ltd are delighted to confirm that they have secured planning permission for the comprehensive residential redevelopment of a complex of former agricultural buildings in the #GreenBelt to the south of #Cheltenham.
Despite a negative pre-application response and significant local objections, we worked closely with an experienced project team comprising RRA Architects, MHP Design Ltd, Willder Ecology and David Partridge to prepare a scheme that could be supported.
The approved development comprises 4no. much-needed family dwellings, including #biodiversity and #landscape improvements, enhancement to the openness of the Green Belt through the removal of 30% of existing dilapidated buildings and concrete slab, as well as bringing three non-designated heritage assets back into viable long-term use.
Engaging positively with officers at Tewkesbury Borough Council we were able to secure both a recommendation to grant permission and the support of the Planning Committee members.